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Hobart 12m:

Disk VSN:HOB+0051

Data volume at beginning:0.0 gb

  • 19:30UT Experiment started OK.
  • 19:35 UT got the following errors “ERROR st -998 reading SystemClock1”, “ERROR st -999 TCP/IP connection error” , and “ERROR st -5 Error return from antenna, see Mbus error.”. antenna=open didnt fix, neither did restarting the HMI, or the field system. Warren heading to the observatory to investigate. Scans affected 329-1937 to 329-2101 inclusive. (Arwin)
  • 19:45 UT Network problem, ( wasn't responding to packets, restarted network switch in 12m pedestal. (Warren)

Katherine 12m:

Disk VSN:GSFC+018

Data volume at beginning: 0.0 gb

  • 19:30UT Experiment started OK.
  • 02:40UT mk5 died. Possibly Martin swapped the module. Killed the dimino and restarted dimino after running SSReset. Missed scans: 330-0231 at 02:31 through 330-0241 first good scan 330-0244 at 02:44. (Lucia)
  • 02:50UT e-remote control is running again now. Jamie killed the ercd processes on pcfske and restarted manually. (Lucia)

Yarragadee 12m:

Disk VSN:USN-0097

Data volume at beginning: 0.0 gb

  • 19:30UT Experiment started OK.

Hobart 26m:

Disk VSN:USN+0221

Data volume at beginning: 0.0 gb 1144-379

  • 19:33UT Experiment started 3 minutes late due to delay in setup resulting from issues with ke eremotecontrol. First scan 329-1939, source= 1144-379.
  • 05:48UT Alarm source not reached in time. There was a wind stow. Affected scans between 5:44 and 05:49 UT. (Lucia)
  • 06:42: Wind stowed for scans 330-0644 to 330-0708. Still too windy so schedule was halted because alarm sounds every single scan. Missed scans 330-0711 to …(Ellen)
/home/www/auscope/opswiki/data/attic/handover/aug033.1480057955.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/11/25 07:12 by Bryn Emptage