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Hobart 12m

Disk VSN: flexbuffhb | Data volume at beginning: 50 TB

  • Lots of wind stows 22:00-00:30 UT (Warren)
  • 00:00 UT dbbc3hb samplers “bad” since experiment start. reconfigure (w)
  • 01:30 UT power cycle dbbc3hb, reconfigure and setup again, still wind stowed (w)
  • 01:50 UT dbbc3hb sampler 3 still reports “bad” sampler 4 OK (w)
  • 01:47 UT wind stow again (w)
  • 02:15 UT schedule resumed (w)
  • 02:20 UT dbbc3hb sampler 3 and 4 report “bad”
  • 02:30 UT dbbc3hb sampler 3 reports “bad”(w)
  • 04:30 UT wind stowed again (w)
  • 05:00 UT wind stowed again (w)
  • 05:15 UT out of wind stow (w)
  • 7:000 (approx) wind stow
  • 1300UT sampler 3 still bad, still recording (eloise)

Katherine 12m

Disk VSN: flexbuffke | Data volume at beginning: 30 TB

  • sampler 2 always reading bad (w)
  • 04:30 UT sampler 2 and 3 reading bad, reconfigure (w)
  • 05:10 UT schedule resumed. now sampler 3 4 read bad. Lim suggests do not reconfigure any more during session as long as recording OK (w)
  • 1300 UT sampler 3 and 4 still bad, but still recording (eloise)

Yarragadee 12m

Disk VSN: | Data volume at beginning: GB

  • 1300UT Antenna pointing problems, and network out. Not observing. (W).
  • 10:49 - good data recorded
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/home/www/auscope/opswiki/data/pages/handover/aum032.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/14 13:19 by Wilson-Mayne