This wiki is not maintained! Do not use this when setting up AuScope experiments!
Recording to module HOB+0039 (+1830 GB), will need to swap to HOB+0110 near experiment end.
Late start, first reliable scan 281-1830a.
S-band narrow-band Tsys are too high (105-130K) (Liza)
As of 10:57UTC, the recorder is missing 180GB (Liza)
Bank swap to HOB+0110 OK (~13:00 UT; Jesse)
Recording to module USN+0220 (+0 GB)(Ross)
Late start, first reliable scan 281-1830a(Ross)
eRemoteControl keeps losing connection and needs to be restarted (Ross)
S-band narrow-band Tsys are too high (140-180K) (Liza)
As of 10:47UTC, the recorder is missing 120GB (Liza)
Recording to module HOB+0097 (+0 GB).
Late start due to field system crash and VPN issues, first scan 281-1906 (+0 GB).
eRemoteControl keeps losing connection and needs to be restarted (Ross)
eRemoteCtrl lost connection frequently throughout day shift, had to be restarted several times (Imogen)
eRemoteControl keeps losing connection, but sometimes even doesn't want to start (Liza)
09:57 UT eRC is not able to connect at all, VNC window freezes after being on for >2-3 minutes. ssh seem to works fine though. Sometimes VNC does not even open (showing only upper quarter of the window) (Liza)
As of 11:07UTC, the recorder is missing 250GB (Liza)
Managed to get a check list done (~13:06 UT) e-cont still connects intermittently (Jesse)
/home/www/auscope/opswiki/data/pages/handover/aust50.txt · Last modified: 2014/10/09 17:55 by Jesse Swan