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observer Warren
recorded to HOB+0105
start at 1.7TB
first scan 305-0008
wind stowed 2:58 - 3:08 UT
wind stowed 3:39 UT
schedule halted 3:46:10 UT
out of stow 04:03 UT and back onsource for scan 305-0409
wind stowed 4:38 UT
schedule halt 04:43:42 UT
out of stow 0508 UT and onsource for scan 305-0509
wind stow 5:17:30 UT
out of windstow 05:44 ready for scan 305-0546
observer Imogen
05:53UT - antenna in wind stow; schedule halted to avoid breaking anything
05:45UT lost connection to yarragadee field system, still seems to be running
06:09UT had to restart field system due to antenna getting stuck from wind stow, restarted schedule; scans 305-0543b to 305-0608 missed
Observer Lucia
19:45 UT while searching for error (no fs activity alarm), fs restarted, dimino restarted
20:14 UT: pcfshb out of disk space. probably no data between 19:30 and 20:15. Deleted test* and temp.txt in psfs/home/oper. now 260 MB free, but still 100% full. might check in a terminal on pcfshb with df -kh
tsys measurement not working
observer Warren
recorded to BKG-0101
start at 0.0 GB
first scan 305-0012
observer Imogen
observer Lucia
two dodgy channels in DBBC - this is a known problem
observer Warren
recorded to HOB+0096
start at 0.0 GB
first scan 305-0013a
observer Imogen
05:45UT lost connection to yarragadee field system, still seems to be running
06:38UT restarted router at control station, network connection is back online
observer Lucia
15:24 Autocorr show one bad channel
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/home/www/auscope/opswiki/data/pages/handover/aust56.txt · Last modified: 2014/11/01 20:33 by Warren Hankey