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Hobart 12m:

  • Disk VSN: HOB+1009/16000/1024
  • Data volume at beginning: 5.4 TB

10:06UT - Had to switch to old version of e-RemoteCtrl as new version could not maintain ssh connection (Imogen)

Katherine 12m:

  • Disk VSN: HOB+0075/8000/1024
  • Data volume at beginning: 0 GB

07:23UT - DBBC strangely restarted itself. Logged back in, reconfigured and the problem is fixed for now (Imogen)

07:50UT - It seems the GPIB has lost its connection with the mark 5 and field system. Tried to restart mark 5 and field system, didn't work. Then tried to restart the GPIB but the PDU webpage was not available for some unknown reason. The antenna also got stuck. The internet connection wasn't working effectively and I couldn't log in to timeke to rectify the problem by restarting the drives. It would not stow through field system command initially. Not even webcams are working so can't tell if the antenna has actually stowed. (Imogen)

08:17UT - still trying to fix mark 5/DBBC/GPIB problem but nothing is responding due to poor internet connection. There was a power glitch and UPS connected to the DBBC and Mark 5 has died. Martin is taking the DBBC, GPIB counters and Mark 5 off the UPS and connecting them to the mains, so if there is another power glitch, the DBBC, Mark 5 and GPIB counters will still be able to be restarted remotely. (Imogen)

09:14 - Martin restarted UPS's. Mark 5 clock is still not synced, trying to fix the problem (Imogen)

09:35UT - ALARM: error st -999 systemclock connection error. Fixed with commands “antenna=operate” and “antenna=open”. Mark5 was stuck with its record mode on (FHG_on), so ended the process and did another fmset. This fixed the problem. (Imogen)

09:55UT - DBBC lost connection again - it seemed to restart, possibly another power glitch? halted schedule while DBBC reconfigured. Restarted schedule 09:59UT. (Imogen)

10:10UT - Alarm kept sounding for Mark5 apparently not being in sync, halted schedule, ran fmset, restarted schedule (Imogen)

22:06UT - Volume of data recorded is 3.835 TB, which is about 900 GB behind schedule (Chris)

Yarragadee 12m:

  • Disk VSN: HOB+0128/32000/1024
  • Data volume at beginning: 0 GB
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/home/www/auscope/opswiki/data/pages/handover/aust72.txt · Last modified: 2014/12/17 22:07 by cjordan