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Hobart 26m

Module: HOB+0130/32000/1024, start pos 7462 GB

  • 0002UT - Experiment started ok. (Ellen)
  • 0007UT - previous source in this schedule not reached before new source was commanded - but not windstowed I don't think. (Ellen)
  • 0017UT - Windstowed, tried to resume again at 0018UT - sent email to Jamie about maybe tweaking script. (Ellen)


Module: GSFC+012, start pos 3211 GB

  • 0002UT - Experiment started ok. (Ellen)


Module: HOB+01075, start pos 4167 GB

  • 0002UT - Experiment started ok. (Ellen)
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/home/www/auscope/opswiki/data/attic/handover/c1712_v1712.1512778780.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/12/09 00:19 by Patrick Yates