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Hobart 12m:

Disk VSN: HOB+0059

  • 17:30UT Exp started OK. First source 1334-127. (Arwin)
  • 22:18UT missed a scan due to dbbc resync (power cycled wrong one), there's a small clock jump (-0.004 usec). Missed scan 053-2217 (Bryn)
  • 10:30UT halted for spaceX tracking. Missed scans 054-1030, 054-1030, 054-1037, 054-1041a and 054-1055. (Jonny)

Data volume at beginning: 0 GB

Katherine 12m:

Disk VSN: BKG-0015

Data volume at beginning: 0 GB

  • 18:01UT Exp started late, issues with the DBBC and the schedule. First scan is 053-1801, source 0727-115. (Arwin)
  • 19:18UT Missed scan 053-1918 to reconfigure DBBC. The should auto pick this. (Arwin)
  • 21:30UT Antenna got stuck, released at 22:05UT with antenna=open and antenna=operate. Scans affected are 053-2130 through 053-2204 (inclusive) (Bryn)
  • 22:15UT delay drifting, resetting DBBC missed scans 053-2215 through 053-2222.
  • 00:50UT Bad dbbc delay. Delay difference seems okay - not drifting, but if the alarms continue, I'll reset the DBBC again. (Bryn)
  • 01:25UT resetting dbbc. Missed scans 054-0125b and 054-0129 (Bryn)
  • 01:29UT Problems with dbbc, halting schedule (Bryn)
  • 02:25UT Have tried full power cycling dbbc several times, still can't get consistent clkoff from machine - fmset no use. Talked to Jim, Warren and Brett - stowing telescope and keeping schedule halted. Can't retrieve system temperatures, so no point continuing until issue is resolved. (Bryn)

Yarragadee 12m:

Disk VSN: HOB+0041

Data volume at beginning: 0 GB

  • 18:31UT Exp started late, issues with the mk5 and schedule.First scan 053-1831 and source 1057-797. Mk5 was unresponsive for while and the later it wouldn't record data. Typing 'schedule=' would give a no scans error and the dish would find the source but not record. Spammed setupsx and schedule=, it came right on the third or so attempt. (Arwin)
/home/www/auscope/opswiki/data/pages/handover/ohg108.txt · Last modified: 2017/02/23 11:09 by Ross Turner