12:34 UT: run fringe check on Hb-Ke baseline. No fringes found (Lucia)
Hobart 12m:
Disk VSN: USN-0172/2000
Data volume at beginning: 0TB
clkoff counter defect (gpib device inaccessible). time-out warning. Went to Mt Pleasant and at least could get the display back. Clkoff not working, manual reading necessary. (Lucia)
17:13 UT: LO unlocked, RF switches unknown. Restarted Monica, ok now. (Lucia
01:17 UT: LO reportedly unlocked, RF switches reportedly OK. Problem with the new version of RXMon, Jamie repaired it. Receiver was always locked. (Liza)
11.11 UT LO reportedly locked, restarting Rxmon and IFBox… All good! (Liza)
Tsys in S-band is constantly high, in range 130-150K (Liza)
Katherine 12m:
Disk VSN: USN-0201/2000
Data volume at beginning: 0TB
Tsys in S-band is constantly high, in range 110-120K; in channels X2, X5, X7 Tsys 105-110K (Liza)
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/home/www/auscope/opswiki/data/pages/handover/r1690.txt · Last modified: 2015/06/02 11:14 by liza