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recording to HOB+0119 start at 8692 GB.


  • recording to BKG+0126 start 0 GB. Test record OK.
  • After start channels 11, 12 looked suspect in autocorrelation.
  • clock jumped at 19:00. halted schedule and reconfigured dbbc at 19:03. fs crashed also.
  • one missed scan 240-1902a. next good scan 240-1916. (missed scan record stop means -20 GB approx.)
  • clock delay drifted from -0.29 us to -0.4 us around 240/20:30 and has stabilised see ke_ddiff.txt plot


  • recording to USN-0019 start 0 GB
  • wind stow 240/21:22
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/home/www/auscope/opswiki/data/attic/handover/r4650.1409261557.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/08/28 21:32 by David Horsley