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Module: USN-0202, start pos ~270 GB


Module: HOB+0034, start pos ~2270 GB


Module: UAO-0018 (first 49 GB), USN-0093

  • UT 19:01 Quickly swapped to module B USN-0093 as per instructions from site staff (JS)
  • 23:55UT : Autocorrelation really dodgey in band 5 and quite fuzzy in bands 6 - 13. Tsys continuously overflowed in band 5, often very high/overflowing in band 6. (Ellen)
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/home/www/auscope/opswiki/data/attic/handover/r4670.1421366237.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/01/15 23:57 by Ellen Manning