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Hobart 26m

Module: HOB+0096, start pos 10316.985 GB

  • 18:16 UT - Receiver pressure at 4.2, 70K stage at 105.9, 20K stage is 67.1. I called Brett and he thinks we should leave it until he can go out at 9am in 3.5 hours. (Ellen)
  • 18:30 UT - Experiment started ok. (Ellen)


Module: MED-0020, start pos 0 GB

  • 18:30 UT - Experiment started ok, except the command “clkoff-2” was still in the proc file, so it recorded a huge delay difference. Halted the schedule after the first scan. I couldn't find the right file, called Imogen to fix. (Ellen)
  • 18:50 UT - Schedule resumed. Imogen was unable to fix due to internet problems. I have changed the settings in the log monitor so it won't ring alarms every scan. Field system crashed when I tried to restart the schedule. Scans missed 288-1836 to , inclusive (~ GB). (Ellen)


Module: USN+0224, start pos 5505.2 GB

  • 18:30 UT - Experiment started ok. (Ellen)
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/home/www/auscope/opswiki/data/attic/handover/r4709.1444937561.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/10/15 19:32 by Jesse Swan