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Recorded 1954.41 GB to module BKG-0041 using the Mark5B+ recorder. The Module is being sent to Washington using DHL.

Known problems:
Clock drift during scan 235-0355 and 235-0850a in particular, but multiple clock jumps between stable values also (stable at -0.3us for first few hours, -0.4us for two extended periods, and -0.46 for last few hours). DBBC reprogrammed twiceat 235/04:13 and 235/08:56. 

Missed Scans:
235-0409, 235-0419b, 235-0855, 235-0857, 235-0859a, 235-0902.

Dave Horsley, Claire Trenham

/home/www/auscope/opswiki/data/attic/observing/r4599yg.1377731818.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/08/28 23:16 by Jim Lovell