Last ditch remote attempt
Before trying the manual re-start it is advisable to try the remote reset via the v-desk terminal on newsmerd.
vncviewer newsmerd:1
. The antenna position should change to 0 for both X and Y on the drive control panel near the back door (swivel the webcam to confirm this). If this happens, the drives are operational and try your normal setup. If nothing happens continue with the next stepsdrvoff
The antenna position should change to 0 for both X and Y on the drive control panel near the back door (swivel the webcam to confirm this). If this happens, the drives are operational and try your normal setup. You can make it stow again by typing park
. If nothing happens, panic a little, you'll probably need to go out to the site and do the manual reset listed below might be worth calling the on-call person or Brett for help.Manual Reset
If the antenna's drives get stuck, then the drives may need to manually restarted up at Mt P.