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Chair: Lucas

next week's chair: Lim

Attended: Katie, Lim, Patrick, Tiege, Simin, Earl, Jamie, Prad, Gabor, Ross

Apologies: Jay


General Issues

  • Katherine antenna=open
  • Log monitor:
  • could be ops-serv2 having latency - Jamie investigate
  • Katherine upgrade + replace systems:
    • In 2 weeks - New rxp and flexbuffke and dbbc3ke installed, as well as power 'smoother-er'.
    • Ke-Hb tests in VGOS mode. Might be parallel monitoring.
  • Yarragadee needs to be re-added in IVS schedule
  • New ISP at Yaggie?

Handover Issues

*AOV038* Katherine

  • Mark5B unresponsive
    • EndDIM wouldn't kill DIMino
    • sudo reboot wouldn't turn of mk5ke, used ipske - ips reboot fixed all issues after dimino restart and fmset
  • Also antenna connection problems (those resolved with antenna=open)
  • Both of these problems together indicate a possible power fluctuation problem at Katherine.

*CRD104* Hobart 26m

  • Wrong field system version running, was running fs-flexbuffhb instead fs-mk5hb
    • Maybe as an extra level of protection rename the field system version? aka fs-geo
    • Notes already have the correct steps, more emphasis required?


  • log monitors thought their respective pcfs machines were locked up (and set off the alarm). However, shortly after, the logs in the log monitors started rapidly scrolling as it caught back up.
    • Katie had same problem
    • Could be ops-serv2 latency? Jamie will check it out.

*R4905* Yarragadee

  • my5yg crash. Frequent crashes indicate problem, however although one crash still isn't healthy for the mk5, it isn't necessarily indicative of a problem. Keep an eye on it.
/home/www/auscope/opswiki/data/pages/operations/agenda2019_08_08.txt · Last modified: 2019/08/08 03:32 by Tiege McCarthy