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Chair: Tiege

next week's chair: Mas

Attended: Mas, Patrick, Ross, Katie, Jay

Apologies: Lucas


General Issues

  • Ho status update - still out unless you hear otherwise?
  • This weekend I am rostering for November - get your availability to me ASAP
  • Yg maser connection down regularly, is this still something being looked at? - still dodgy
  • Need meeting chair volunteers for the rest of the year

Handover Issues


  • Yg: “03:30UT (284) ran dbbcreset to adjust agc gains to sensible on dbbc (warren)”


  • Ho: Difference in the receiver shown by OTTER and rxp command
    • rxp and checking camera showed S/X, otter showed L-band - trust camera and rxp.
/home/www/auscope/opswiki/data/pages/operations/agenda2019_10_17.txt · Last modified: 2019/10/17 02:08 by Tiege McCarthy