The Field System (FS) uses new antenna control software which works differently to the old version. The FS now manages all conversion of Ra, Dec coordinates to Az, El, including pointing and refraction corrections before sending the commands to the controller. This means that the System Monitor and HMI displays will show pointing and refraction corrections disabled (because they've already been applied). Otherwise, from the operations perspective, the antenna control interface is very similar to before. There are a few things to watch out for though:
2012.297.03:58:54.01?ERROR st -998 reading SystemClock1 2012.297.03:58:54.01?ERROR st -999 TCP/IP connection was closed by remote peer 2012.297.03:58:54.01?ERROR st -5 Error return from antenna, see Mbus error.
and you'll need to re-establish the connection by typing:
antenna=open (this re-opens the connection) antenna=status (if the connection has re-established, you will see several lines of status messages)
command can be used to adjust the tolerance to a higher level but in general it's probably better to just put up with it.