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Monitoring and plotting pointing data during a pointing run

When doing a pointing run using the point procedure file and acquire command, results are logged in /usr2/log/sx.log and they can be plotted to keep track of progress. Here's an example of what can be done. Copy and paste this into a file on the pfcs machine, then 'source' it.

egrep '(xoffset)' /usr2/log/sx.log > xoff.txt
egrep '(tsys)' /usr2/log/sx.log > tsys.txt
gnuplot <<EOF
f(x) = m*x + c 
fit f(x) 'tsys.txt'  using `(1.0/cos(90-$3))`:4  via m,c
set multiplot layout 2,2                                                                      
set xlabel 'xEL offset';set ylabel 'El offset';plot [-0.06:0.06] [-0.06:0.06] 'xoff.txt' u 4:5
set xlabel 'sec(z)';set ylabel 'Tsys';plot 'tsys.txt' u `(1.0/cos(90-$3))`:4:5 w errorbars, f(x)
set xlabel 'Az'; set ylabel 'El';plot 'xoff.txt' u 2:3                                        
set xlabel 'El'; set ylabel 'El offset';plot 'xoff.txt' u 3:5                                 
unset multiplot    
pause mouse any "Any key or button in the plot window will terminate"
/home/www/auscope/opswiki/data/attic/operations/documentation/pointing_monitoring.1361329816.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/02/20 03:10 by Jim Lovell