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Transferring Data to Bonn

  • Open four terminal windows on the Mark5 unit the data will be sent from
  • In the first terminal, make sure dimino isn't running
    ps -ef | grep dim

    and that another transfer isn't running

    ps -ef | grep tsuna


  • Check no moudules are mounted at /mnt/diskpack or /home/oper/wash. If they are, dismount with
    fusermount -u <directory_name>
  • Then use fuse to mount the module:
    fuseMk5A --bank=0 --verbose --cachesize=128000000 /mnt/diskpack

    This will mount Bank A (set bank=1 for Bank B) at /mnt/diskpack. Wait for a message to say

    .... Registering fuseMk5A to FUSE with: ....

    . It can take a while.

  • In a second terminal, change to the mounted directory and make sure the data are there
    cd /mnt/diskpack
  • Start the tsunami daemon to send the data:
    tsunamid --port=52100 *
  • In the third terminal window, log on to the computer at Bonn that will receive the data and change to the directory where the data will be sent
    ssh evlbi@<machine.address>
    cd /data3/r1/hobart12/r1485/ = sneezy2

  • Start tsunami and set up for a transfer
set rate 300m
connect 52100
get *
  • in the fourth terminal window, create an empty file with a name describing the start time of the transfer, rate etc:
    touch 20110525033000_r1485_Hb_Bonn_300m_52100_start

    This puts an entry on the Bonn web page to say there's a transfer under way

  • and send it to the web server
    ncftpput /incoming/geodesy/transfers 0110525033000_r1485_Hb_Bonn_300m_52100_start
  • When the transfer finishes, send a stop message with
    touch 20110525033000_Hb_stop
    ncftpput /incoming/geodesy/transfers 20110525033000_Hb_stop
/home/www/auscope/opswiki/data/attic/operations/documentation.ivs.bonnetransfer.1348023799.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012/09/19 03:03 by Jim Lovell