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Summary of the meeting 03.12.2014
Alarm problem at Mt Pleasant is a BIG THING – what could be done?
ERC log files should be save locally or under different name of erc log at different machines – in temp folder in Mt Pleasant to avoid confusion and file multi-use for the next version of ERC that create problems.
Make sure you close in-house webcams when you open them!
Action items:
Calendar description of the experiment purpose – Liza to do that
How to detect clock breaks? Jim P. to help with monitoring of maser/maser comparison
Ke pcfs dies!!! — change to alarm instead of “error” sign – Jim changed the Log Monitor script so that it triggers alarm instead of beep. To acknowledge, first restart the watchdog and then press the button “Acknowledge alarm”
Ke generator doesn't kicks in. – is it switched into the proper auto mode after test?
/home/www/auscope/opswiki/data/pages/operations/minutes2014_12_03.txt · Last modified: 2014/12/17 06:15 by liza