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Operators meeting 18.12.2014
1. Discussion outcomes:
Alarms at Mt Pleasant:
Issue is most probably due to the sound system, as the Log Monitor code is the same as on ops4. Possible reasons include:
“alarm” sound is in .ogg format unlike the “beep”, shall be chacked by converting it to .wav format (or using another sound). Both require Log Monitor code changes.
Mplayer might not be set up in the same way as on ops4. Reuires use of another player in Log Monitor.
It may be possible to use the system alarm at Mt Pleasant - but a clear way to mute it should be found.
Hb recording consistently less than schedule assumes for certain AUST experiments.
May be due to the late start of recrding. Check scan_check procedure and late on-source events (actions: Jamie)
Ke issues are found to be due to the excessive load on pcfske, some program(s) chokes it up (see Ed's email)
Needs to be found what jams up pcfske. It might be:
what else?
Observers should keep monitoring pcfske behaviour and gather info.
Ed's email suggestion: since station logs are the primary source of information for the IVS tehnical gurus, all handover comments have to make it to the log. So please copy everything you write to the handover message to the “Comments” section of the check-list.
2. Action items:
Jamie to check the reasons why Hb records less.
Observers to check and monitor pcfske behaviour
Observers to add all comments to the station log by filling the “Comments” section of the check-lists.