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Monitoring at AuScope sites

First system will go in at Katherine soon. There are two raspberry pi PCs, one for the antenna and one for the maser room.


Access via VNC or SSH:

username is pi, password is as usual

Hardware setup

Connect the Raspberry Pi to the Arduino via a USB cable. The Arduino will get power via the cable but it's a good idea to also give the Arduino power via a DC power supply as this provides a more stable reference voltage for the analog sensors.

DHT11 temperature and humidity sensors

Each DHT11 sensor requires 3.3 - 5V, ground and a digital input pin. Pinouts are shown below:  DHT11 pins Use any 5V and GND pin from the RPi.

Any of the RPi digital pins should be fine to use. That’s the ones labeled BCM here: Raspberry Pi pinouts

 RPi pinout diagram

Edit the TempHumid.conf file accordingly (see below), then either restart the software by typing CTRL-C in the start_THRecord xterm or by rebooting the Pi.

IR transmitters, receivers

These have three pins as well:

pin    connection
---    ---------------
-      GND
middle +5V
S      digital signal

Connect them to the Raspberry Pi. Any GND or +5V pin will be fine. Use any digital pin on the Pi and make sure they are set to “False” in TempHumid.conf (you can give them an appropriate label though). See below.


This should be connected to the Arduino:

module pin    Arduino connection
----------    ---------------
VCC           +5V
X out         A0
Y out         A1
Z out         A2
GND           GND

Attach the accelerometer to the maser (or whatever you want to measure). You might want to align it according to the orientation diagram on the module.

Analog (Eric) Temperature/Humidity Sensor

This should also be connected to the Arduino:

module pin    Arduino connection
----------    ---------------
T             A3
G             GND
H             A4
5V            +5V


Software, config file etc are stored in ~pi/TempHumid


The file TempHumid.conf describes which of the digital pins have sensors attached to them. e.g:

	gpio = 2
	label = Hub
	sensor = 11
	attached = True
  • gpio is the corresponding GPIO pin. Do not change this one!
  • label is a description of the sensor, e.g. it’s location
  • sensor is the sensor type. 11 = DHT11, 22 = DHT22
  • attached = True or False and indicates if the sensor is plugged in or not (or if you want to record it or not). The software will ignore this pin if set to False

The bin directory contains the executables:

  • Reads sensors and writes values once per ~20s to a sqlite database in the data directory. Note database should grow at the rate of ~200 MB per year and the RPi has ~10 GB of free space on its microSD card.
  • Listens on port 60030 and returns the latest values on any query. Could be more sophisticated (different data depending on query), just ask :-). Example output:
    2018-09-09 05:52:00.648388 0.0 0.0 46.0 0.0 0.0 49.0 0.0 48.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -273.0 -273.0 19.0 -273.0 -273.0 20.0 -273.0 19.0 -273.0 -273.0 -273.0 -273.0 -273.0 -273.0 -273.0 -273.0 -273.0 -273.0 -273.0 -273.0 -273.0 -273.0 -273.0 -273.0 -273.0 -273.0 -273.0 -273.0

    where first two strings are date and time (in UT) then all humidities and then all temperatures. The order of values is in digital pin number order (the same as in TempHumid.conf)

  • a test script to poll the server and get the most recent data
  • and are started automatically after the RPi boots into a desktop session, so a reboot of the RPi should start these processes. They are called from ~/.config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart. Edit this file if you want to change what happens when the desktop starts.

Network config

For masertempke the IP address should be For antennatempke the IP address should be

Edit /etc/dhcpcd.conf:

interface eth0
static ip_address=
# /26 = netmask of
static routers=
static domain_name_servers=

The hostname should be correct but can be set via the Preferences/Raspberry Pi configuration GUI on the desktop.


Packages installed

/home/www/auscope/opswiki/data/attic/operations/temphumidmonitor.1536650219.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/09/11 07:16 by Jim Lovell