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Open MoniCA

Documentation for the “open MoniCA” software, as maintained by the ATNF.

Currently the code is maintained at:

The pcfs_prod git repository contains the oMonica svn repository under AuscopeUtils/monitoring/oMonica. A simple “svn status” should be enough to test whether there are any updates to “svn update”. Obviously it is suggested that oMonica not be updated casually, and that a careful migration process is followed.

svn is not installed on the pcfs?? machines. oMonica development work has been undertaken on ops-serv2 up to now.


To start or stop the server code, there should be a script which is invoked like:

/etc/init.d/Monica.monica start

The scripts are kept in: /usr2/AuscopeUtils/monitoring/init.d/

To start a client simply run the script “”, which is in the ~oper directory on pcfshb. (you will need X forwarding, as it will wish to launch a window). More details can be obtained by reading /usr2/AuscopeUtils/monitoring/oMonica/

Note that you will have a much better experience if you run the client on a server which is “near” to you. So while in Sandy Bay, I would suggest running the ~observer/ script on ops-serv2.

The first popup relates to selecting a server to read information from.

Once a server has been selected, you will get a Monitor Display with with to view data. Viewing modes can be accessed through the menu: Setup → Add Panel → select.

Two very popular options are Point Table (useful for seeing many points at once) and Time Series (useful for obtaining a historical perspective).

/home/www/auscope/opswiki/data/attic/software/openmonica.1300855510.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/10/26 06:37 (external edit)