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APOD tracking test.

  • Antennas: Hb Ho Ke
# Schedule summary for session: 317a                                              #
Nominal start:     2016-11-12 09:34:00
Nominal end:       2016-11-12 10:15:33
Scan#  Source name              Type  Start [UT]  End [UT]  Dur [s]  Sations
1      0332-403                 q     09:34:00    09:34:30  30       Hb Ho Ke
2      2255-282                 q     09:36:23    09:37:03  40       Hb Ho Ke
3      1921-293                 q     09:38:46    09:39:16  30       Hb Ho Ke
4      0332-403                 q     09:42:19    09:42:49  30       Hb Ho Ke
5      PN1A [BAC]               s     09:48:40    09:51:52  192      Hb Ho
6      PN1A [BAC]               s     09:51:53    09:55:53  240      Hb
7      PN1A [BAC]               s     09:55:54    09:56:21  27       Hb Ke
8      PN1A [BAC]               s     09:56:21    10:03:55  454      Ke
9      1741-038                 q     10:10:38    10:11:08  30       Hb Ke
10     1921-293                 q     10:11:55    10:12:25  30       Hb Ke
11     0332-403                 q     10:13:17    10:13:47  30       Hb Ke
12     2255-282                 q     10:14:53    10:15:33  40       Hb Ke


  • With VieVS Satellite scheduling tool, by A. Hellerschmied
    • quasar block scheduled automatically
    • APOD scans manually scheduled
  • Schedule summary: 317a_sum_bearb.txt
  • Block of 4 strong quasars were observed before and after the APOD scans
    • Min scan duration set to 30 sec
    • Sub-netting deactivated
  • See catalog files for full setup
  • 1 sec time gap in VEX files between APOD scans
    • Continuous tracking and recording
  • Min. 5 min time gap before after sat. scans to load antenna control files


  • Observers: Jamie, Lucia, Andreas
  • Comments: Quasar recordings and tracking successful. No recordings during track for Ho and Hb, Ke started late; so no overlap. Ho signal looked good and stable (S-band). Hb (x-band) highly variable (about 1 sec period). Ke variable as well (in s-band) at high elevations.


  • Satellite tracking based on direct AzEl input files
    • Azel values were calculated in VieVS based on predicted WGS84 state vectors (provided by J. Sun)
  • Station equipment controlled by combined VEX files

Data and files

  • All control files used for the observations (VEX schedules, schedule summaries, orbit files, AzEl tracking files, etc.) are provided on the VieVS server ( at /home/sorts/apod/2016/:
    • Azel tracking files for all antennas (1 sec interval)
    • VEX file (combined)
    • VIE_SCHED files
      • used control + catalog files, TLEs
    • predicted WGS84 state vectors (1 sec interval, by J. Sun)
    • predicted AzEl posititons (1 sec interval, by J. Sun)
  • For this session no delays could be obtained due to problems when observing the session. Basically there is no overlapping data of the two stations.
/home/www/auscope/opswiki/data/pages/wg7/apod/317a_hbke.txt · Last modified: 2018/04/18 10:13 by Andreas Hellerschmied