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APOD tracking test.

  • Antennas: Yg, Ke
# Schedule summary for session: 318d                                              #
Nominal start:     2016-11-13 22:35:00
Nominal end:       2016-11-13 22:57:55
Scan#  Source name              Type  Start [UT]  End [UT]  Dur [s]  Sations
1      0454-234                 q     22:35:00    22:35:40  40       Ke Yg
2      0727-115                 q     22:36:27    22:37:07  40       Ke Yg
3      0537-441                 q     22:37:45    22:38:25  40       Ke Yg
4      0851+202                 q     22:39:10    22:39:50  40       Ke Yg
5      1334-127                 q     22:40:38    22:41:18  40       Ke Yg
6      PN1A [BAC]               s     22:46:39    22:49:21  162      Ke
7      PN1A [BAC]               s     22:49:22    22:51:55  153      Ke Yg
8      PN1A [BAC]               s     22:51:56    22:53:25  89       Yg
9      PN1A [BAC]               s     22:54:01    22:57:55  234      Yg


  • With VieVS Satellite scheduling tool, by A. Hellerschmied
    • quasar block scheduled automatically
    • APOD scans manually scheduled
  • Schedule summary: 318d_sum.txt
  • Block of 4 strong quasars was observed prior to APOD
    • Min scan duration set to 40 sec
    • Sub-netting deactivated
  • See catalog files for full setup
  • 1 sec time gap in VEX files between APOD scans
    • Continuous tracking and recording


  • Observers: Jamie, Lucia
  • Comments: This time we use the AzEl data as provided by Jing directly. Tracking went well. Wrong frequencies during quasar tracking in Ke. Only last quasar should have correct freqs. Overhead track at Yg. Signal in x-band was pulsing, then at 20 deg hard pulsing. Lost the signal right as scheduled. However, the slewing took longer than scheduled, came back 16 sec late.


  • Satellite tracking based on direct AzEl input files at Ke and Yg
    • Azel values directly taken from tracking files provided by J. Sun
  • Station equipment controlled with station dependent VEX files

Available files

  • All control files used for the observations (VEX schedules, schedule summaries, orbit files, AzEl tracking files, etc.) are provided on the VieVS server ( at /home/sorts/apod/2016/
  • Results:
/home/www/auscope/opswiki/data/pages/wg7/apod/318d_hbke.txt · Last modified: 2018/04/18 09:57 by Andreas Hellerschmied