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Handover notes

Please use this page to write up any notes on anything that needs to be passed on to the next observer or should go into the end of experiment message.

Notes should be placed below the horizontal line as a new blog entry.

Continuing problems should be copied to the Current Issues page.

**Template for Handover notes:**

Be sure to add any specific notes about the experiment if required, for example “Special back end configuration for x reason”. Put as much detail as you can - the more the better.

It is ESSENTIAL to put your name after EVERY entry. Copy and paste the template into the new handover notes

====== Experiment Name ======

**Hobart 12m**

Disk VSN: abc-123 | Data volume at beginning: 2.34 GB

   * 1300UT a comment from me (user)

**Katherine 12m**

Disk VSN: | Data volume at beginning:  GB


**Yarragadee 12m**

Disk VSN: | Data volume at beginning:  GB

   * 1300UT Experiment started okay (JMc).

Format for entering a comment It is important to stick to this formula - there is a good reason we need this information, so please include it!

Time stamp in UT * Comment * (Your Name)

For Example:

20:00UT: Wind stows, Missed scans 012-3456 to 012-3457 (Jim)

20:50UT: Mark5 lost connection, had to restart Mark5 and reconfigure DBBC, called Jamie on call to fix, missed scans 012-3456 to 012-4567 (Jim)

Again - as much detail as you can. It is important to remember that these notes will be sent to the correlator, so please make sure they make sense to others.


Yarragadee 12m

Disk VSN: UAO-0016 | Data volume at beginning: 0.224 GB

System monitor was not giving correct information, need Monica.antmon restarted in order to work again.

  • 1700UT - Experiment started OK (Tiege)
2019/11/18 17:12 · Tiege McCarthy · 0 Comments

Yarragadee 12m

Disk VSN: NYAL-019 | Data volume at beginning: 0.897 GB

AGC attenuators set at max for ifc (and ifd to a lesser extent) during setup, power levels above target and unstable. Band 14 and 15 in autocorrs looks bad (similar to X-band interference at Hobart). Have tried adding more attenuation to the IF chain but it doesn't seem to be helping bring power levels down. dbbcreset command also does not help. Restarted DBBC machine, nothing changed. I think it may just be the result of local RFI on site? Will mention it to Warren tomorrow.

  • 1830UT - Experiment started OK (Tiege)
  • 2130UT - Power levels seem to have mostly stabilised for ifc and ifd. AGC no longer maxed out. Band 14 and 15 in autocorrs still look trash though. (Tiege)
  • 04:45 UT reset dbbc gains (warren)
  • 05:30 UT Created New eRemote Log File (added .txt extension) as Log Monitor malfunctioned. (Earl)
2019/11/14 13:39 · Tiege McCarthy · 0 Comments

Hobart 26m

Disk VSN: HOB+0069/8000 | Data volume at beginning: 1294.71 GB

  • 17:30 Experiment started okay (Patrick)
  • 20:21 Wind stowed (scans 316-2019 - ) (Patrick)
  • 23:45 Missed scans from 316-2019 through 316-2342. Resumed scan at scan 316-2345. Received continuous error “Error: Allocating memory for antenna monitoring”. Called Warren and he fixed it by resetting the drive (mas)
  • Wind stowed. Missed scans from 317-0004 through 317-0131 (mas)
  • Wind stowed. Missed scans from 317-0209 through 317-0212 (mas)
  • 0432UT PCFS suddenly crashed. Restart PCFS. Receive continuous error “Error: Allocating memory for antenna monitoring”. Called Warren. Affecting scans from 317-0432 through 317-0520 (mas)
  • Wind stowed. Missed scans from 317-0523 through 317-0543 (mas)
  • 08:32 Field system froze and needed to be restarted. Missed scans 317-0832 through 317-0850 (Ross)
  • 08:50 Antenna wind stowed. Missed scans 317-0850 through 317-1027 (Ross).
  • Wind stowed between 11:50 UT to 12:40 UT, 13:20 to 15:00 and 17:20 to end (Lucas).

Yarragadee 12m

Disk VSN: HOB+0127/32000 | Data volume at beginning : 586.65 GB

  • 17:30 Experiment started okay (Patrick)
2019/11/12 17:22 · Tiege McCarthy · 0 Comments

Yarragadee 12m

Disk VSN: MED-0027 | Data volume at beginning: 0.897 GB

  • 1700 UT: Experiment started OK (mas)
2019/11/11 16:28 · Tiege McCarthy

Disk VSN: MPI-0153 | Data volume at beginning: 0 GB

  • 1830UT Experiment Started OK (Earl).
2019/11/07 21:11 · Katie Vandorou · 0 Comments

Hobart 26m

Disk VSN: HOB+0069/8000 | Data volume at beginning: 943.1 GB

  • 1816UT wind died down enough and antenna begun tracking.
    • Therefore first source was 0605-085, scan_No 309-1816, all scans previous assumed missed.
  • One of the IF's was tripping a silent alarm (no alarm or beep, but seems kinda serious tbh) about having no default value. ifdsx was not fully defined, so just had to fill in ifc=2,agc,2,32500 & ifd=2,agc,2,35000. To be fair I seem to remember seeing this in the setup notes.
    • Fixed as of 20:00 UT
    • 23:15 UT confirm ifdsx is now correct (warren)
    • 23:47 wind stowed missed scans from 309-2349 through 310-0015 (warren)
    • 00:17 back on source from scan 310-0019 (w)
    • 02:37 wind stowed missed scans from 310-0236 through 310-1141 (w)
    • 13:17 UT wind stowed, halt schedule. missed scans from 310-1317 through 310-1503a (mas)
    • 15:47 UT wind stowed, halt schedule. missed scans from 310-1547 through 310-1722 (mas)

Yarragadee 12m

Disk VSN: USN-0182/2000 (489 GB) and HOB+0127/32000 | Data volume at beginning USN-0182 : 1046.2 GB

  • Experiment started okay (Lucas).
  • R1919 data already on disk, not enough space for current OHG122 (warren)
  • 02:35 reset dbbc gains (w)
  • 04:15 tried to load next disk and crashed mk5yg, missed scan 310-0415 through 310-0431 (w)
  • 04:38 resumed schedule at scan 310-0438b recording now on HOB+0127 (489 GB OHG122 recorded to USN-0182) (w)
2019/11/05 21:59 · Katie Vandorou · 0 Comments
/home/www/auscope/opswiki/data/pages/operations/handover.txt · Last modified: 2018/10/29 16:27 by Jesse Swan