cd ~/bin/dysched ./ dsxxx yy
where xxx is the day number and yy is the two-letter code for the station: i.e. ke, yg or hb.
If nothing happens, or you get concerned for any reason, please call the on-call person.
To stop this shenanigans completely:
There's some background info and additional notes here:
The scheduler is a modified version of vie_sched (Sun et al JoG 2014). It is running continuously on a local server at UTAS (ares1-mp), each minute looking for available antennas. If the number of available antennas is more than one, a schedule is created. The schedules are then uploaded to the server for distribution. Each time a new schedule file (skd) is created, a new line is added at the schedule status website.
The usual update interval is 15 minutes.
If the scheduling is not working, i.e. the is no new schedule despite more than 1 antenna are set on available, you might need to restart the scheduler: