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2020 IVS Experiment Feedback

Table containing AuScope related feedback from IVS experiments.
Colours indicate whether major problems occurred with AuScope antennas, with green representing no, orange minor and red major problems.

Level of AuScope related issues
None Minor Major
Experiment Name Date Stations AVG performance Problems
R4927 2020-01-02 Yg 0.604 Manual Pcal applied @ Yg
R1928 2020-01-07 Yg 0.484Clock breaks at 0120 & 1105 UTC - non-detections in both bands
R4928 2020-01-09 Yg 0.744Manual Pcal applied @ Yg
R1929 2020-01-14 Ho 0.702Applied manual pcal @ Ho - No signal in S-band channels SR5U and SR6U
R4929 2020-01-16 Yg 0.153Issues getting fringes with YARRA12M likely due to a faulty power supply at the station - Manual Pcal applied @ Yg
CRF1162020-01-20 Yg 0.240clock breaks at ~1140 UT and 0230UTC - poor performance due to network/scheduling issues
R1930 2020-01-21 HoYg 0.653Yg clock breaks 0242 and 1107 UTC - Ho missed 7 hours of data between 0333 and 1033 UTC
R4930 2020-01-23 Yg 0.865clock breaks at 0032 and 1513UTC
R1931 2020-01-27 Yg 0.821Yg clock breaks 2213 and 1155 UTC
AUA060 2020-01-28 HbKeYgHo 0.7 Ho-Hb S band baseline only noise (since been fixed)
R4931 2020-01-30 Yg 0.848Yg clock breaks at 0529 and 0929UTC
R1932 2020-02-03 Yg 0.843Few non-detections in both bands
CRD105 2020-02-05 YgHo 0.262Yg missed 3 hours of scans: “not on disk packs” - looks like second disk wasn't sent?
R4932 2020-02-06 Yg 0.793N/A
R1933 2020-02-10 Yg 0.815Yg clock breaks at 0127 and 1118 UTC
AOV044 2020-02-11 HoYg 0.526Ho issues with recorded time != scheduled time - No phase call in any channels at Ho - Yg low amplitude pcal in some channels - Yg clock breaks 0127/1011/1127UTC
R4933 2020-02-13 Yg 0.648Yg clock breaks at 0111 and 1114 UTC
R4934 2020-02-20 Yg 0.847Unreliable humidity data
R1935 2020-02-24 Yg 0.834Yg clock breaks at 0045, 1158 and 1350 UTC
AUA061 2020-02-25 HbKeYg 0.319Hb and Ke in wrong setup with very few common channels!
R4935 2020-02-27 Yg 0.847Yg clock breaks at 0027 and 1451 UTC
R1936 2020-03-02 Yg 0.741Yg clock breaks at 2120 and 2302 UTC - some non-detections in both bands
R4936 2020-03-05 Yg 0.899Yg clock breaks at 0100 and 1013 UTC
R1937 2020-03-09 Yg 0.789Yg clock breaks at 2158 and 2355 UTC
AUA062 2020-03-11 HbKeYgHo 0.731 Hb:Ho baselines are noise
R4937 2020-03-12 Yg 0.846Yg clock breaks at 0039 and 1646 UTC
AOV045 2020-03-17 Yg 0.603Manual pcal applied
R4938 2020-03-19 Yg 0.794Yg clock breaks at 1415 UTC
R1939 2020-03-23 Ho 0.821No fmout-gps before 2242 UT - manual pcal applied
R4939 2020-03-26 Yg 0.807Software crash between 22128 - 2208 UTC - Clock breaks at 0122 and 1030 UTC
R1940 2020-03-30 Ho 0.736Manual pcal applied - Non-detections in both bands (more in X band) - 2% scans missed due to antenna drives off
R1941 2020-04-06 Yg 0.845Clock breaks at 0104 and 1220 UTC - field system reboot lost 80 mins of data - Occasional low pcal amplitude in X-band
APSG46 2020-04-07 HoYg 0.590Yg clock breaks at 1922, 2242, 2315, 2348, 1035, 1100, 1248 and 1702 UTC - Ho missed first hours due to maintenance.
R4941 2020-04-08 Yg 0.622Clock breaks at 1125 UTC
R1942 2020-04-14 Ho 0.740Software crash missed 1.4 hours - Non-detections in both bands
CRF118 2020-04-15 HoYg 0.21Yg clock breaks at 2230 and 0215 - Hobart missed 9 hours due to windstowing and software crash - performance down due to whole array having down time.
R4942 2020-04-16 Yg 0.839N/A
R1943 2020-04-20 Ho 0.784Late start - Manual pcal applied - several non-detections both bands
R1944 2020-04-27 Yg 0.517Clock breaks 1750, 2345, 0245, 0930, 1045 and 1200 UTC - Last 70 mins could not be extracted from disk pack
AOV046 2020-04-28 Yg 0.324Clock breaks 0020, 0440, 1058 and 1145 UTC - low performance appears to be due to other antenna in array.
R4944 2020-04-29 Yg 0.792Clock breaks 0052, 1029 UTC
R4945 2020-05-07 Yg 0.805Clock breaks 0042, 0945 UTC
R1946 2020-05-11 Yg 0.840Clock breaks 0044, 0255 and 1312 UTC
R4946 2020-05-11 Yg 0.835Clock breaks 2035, 0113, 1220, 1409 and 1732 UTC
R1947 2020-05-18 Ho 0.819N/A
R4947 2020-05-21 Yg 0.835Three clock breaks at Yg (times not specified)
R1948 2020-05-26 Yg 0.835Yg clock breaks at 0120, 0514, 0540, 0919 and 1007 UTC.
R4948 2020-05-28 Yg 0.829Yg clock breaks at 0103, 0417, 0816, and 0853 UTC.
R1949 2020-06-02 Yg 0.721Yg clock breaks at 0200, 1350 and 1446 UTC - Numerous non-detection - particularly in S-band (seems all stations had issues).
R4949 2020-06-04 Yg 0.879 Yg clock breaks at 0037 and 0129 UTC.
R1950 2020-06-08 Yg 0.515Yg clock breaks at 0100, 0212, 1220 and 1325 UTC.
AOV050 2020-08-10 YgHo 0.777Barely any fringes during last 5.5 hours for Ho.
R4960 2020-08-20 Yg 0.500
R4961 2020-08-27 Yg 0.501
R4962 2020-09-03 Yg 0.601
R4963 2020-09-10 Yg 0.613
R4964 2020-09-17 Yg 0.616
R1965 2020-09-17 Yg 0.618 Yg clock breaks 0103 and 0728
R4965 2020-09-17 Yg 0.728 Two Yg clock breaks again
/home/www/auscope/opswiki/data/pages/feedback/home/feedback_table20.txt · Last modified: 2020/10/19 23:44 by Tiege McCarthy