Experiment started OK 00:00, all modules blank: Hb - HOB+0118/16000, Ke: HOB+1008/16000, Yg: HOB+0118/32000 And yes, that's correct, we have two different modules with identical VSNs: HOB+0118/16000 in Hb and HOB+0118/32000 in Yg. Both are used for AUST38 and AUST39.
Hb: strong spikes in ch 14,15)
Ke: S band, esp. ch11, 12, 15 – strange autocorr bandpass, extremely high Tsys (150-185K). RFI? Bad calibration?
Yg: DIMino program fails sporadically (scans 221-0101 - 0108 are lost); S band Tsys in ch 12, 13, 14 is too high (105-120K)
All: autocorr bandpass in ch.14 looks “steep” in all three antennas.
The Katherine delay difference has been drifting between .300 and .315 us
tsys on SBand at Katherine has also been very high at times throughout my shift