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2016.202.17:44:42 Total data recorded = -5689.717 GB, module HOB+0114

Antenna went to stow at end of RD1606, I started the next schedule quickly and halted to prevent this.

  • 1800UT: Experiment Started Okay.(Lucas)
  • 2130UT: fs and eremote crashed. ERC server had to be restarted (Lucas).


Module HAY-0047, beginning disk_pos=6.458GB

1800UT: Experiment Started Okay.(Lucas)


Module HAY-0062, beginning disk_pos=7.163GB.

1800UT: Experiment Started Okay (Lucas)

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/home/www/auscope/opswiki/data/attic/handover/crds84.1469050840.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/07/20 21:40 by Lucas Hyland