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Disk VSN: HOB+0055

Data Volume at Beginning: 6352.932 GB

  • Not enough volume remaining on HOB+0055 for this experiment - there will need to be an additional module put into the mk5 before experiment end
  • 1830 UT Experiment started OK (Bryn)
  • New module is loaded in the other bank, should spill over once full.


Disk VSN: WSRT-049

Data Volume at Beginning: 0GB

  • 1830 UT Experiment started OK (Bryn)


Disk VSN: HOB+0044

Data Volume at Beginning: 0GB

  • 1830 UT Experiment started OK (Bryn)
  • 0230 UT yg network was all clogged up. The webacam was hogging all the bandwidth, needed a reset. This was causing problem with the ntpq server getting its time properly which caused a higher than normal offset in the mk5=dot?. The schedule was halted between 2017.069.02:16:17 to 2017.069.03:03:49. Scans missed were 069-0216b to 069-0308b (not inclusive of the last one). If you run, it should pick this up automatically. (Arwin)
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/home/www/auscope/opswiki/data/attic/handover/r4782.1489116020.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/03/10 03:20 by Warren Hankey