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Hobart 26m

Disk VSN: HOB+0131/32000 | Data volume at beginning: 28129.48 GB

  • Requires ~10,000 GBs, only > 4000 remaining. Disk will need to be changed around or before 04:00 UT aka 15:00 AEST
    • Warren put a new module in, switching next scan break (JS)
    • 0437:50UT switched to new module. Start pos: 0.00 GB (JS)
  • 26.19:00 Experiment started okay (Lucas).
  • 0230UT - Receiver pressure has passed 5 uHg, but Warren is unavailable at the moment to fix it. Will wait to hear back (JS)
    • contact with warren, just elaving it because it's a hot day pressure rise is expected (JS)
  • 0519 Pressure passes 7 uHg (JS)
  • 0601 pressure rocketed to 24 uHg in the last hour (unnoticed due to repeated 5 uHg alarms being ignored) Warren has been called (message left) (JS)
  • 0620 Left for MtP to correct the vacuum pressure. (Atifur)
  • 0650 At MtP vacuum pump started to stabilize the pressure. Pressure dropped to ~5.5 uHg and 70K temp. started dropping at about 1K per min. (Atifur)
  • 0801 Pressure dropped to 5.4 uHg and 70K temp. reached 111 K. Turned vacuum pump. off and headed towards uni. (Atifur)
  • 12:30 ERROR m5 -23 mk5cn: error opening, etc etc: DIMino must have been running in a terminal on ops8 and I had to restart ops8. DIMino needs to be started in a terminal on the respective field system so that if there is a connection drop between ops8 and the sites it continues to run. Bad/missed scans between 027-1207 and 1242

Katherine 12m

Disk VSN: HOB+0129/32000 | Data volume at beginning: 6724.6 GB

  • 26.19:00 Experiment started okay (Lucas).

Yarragadee 12m

Disk VSN: | Data volume at beginning: 7841.134 GB

  • 26.19:00 Experiment started okay (Lucas).
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/home/www/auscope/opswiki/data/pages/handover/aua036.txt · Last modified: 2018/01/27 12:53 by Jesse Swan