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Module:USN+0220, start pos: 2625.458 GB

1800 UT - Experiment started ok. (Ellen)


Module: USN-0137, start pos: 1666.807 GB

1800 UT - Experiment started ok. (Ellen)

  • 0759 UT Katherine had the following error “error ib -4 gpib device time-out on response c2”. Wiki had instructions on “ERROR sp -4 GPIB Device time-out on response c2”. As per the wiki's suggestion ran the “counter” command followed by the input of “maserdelay” and “clkoff” a few times. Everything seems okay (AK)


Module: USN-0150, start pos: 2296.388 GB

1800 UT - Experiment started ok. (Ellen)

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/home/www/auscope/opswiki/data/attic/handover/ohg102.1455784799.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/02/18 08:39 by Jim Lovell