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Observing log:

12m antenna
May not have observed in optimum position
Data on HOB+1005

Data recorded:
14:02:05 - 14:02:47 : on source
14:04:51 - 14:05:37 : off source (1d offset in Az)
Tsys off source ~110K
14:07 "on source". Tsys ~150K
26m antenna
Data on FGI-0004

14:12:03 At offset position
which is 4 min of RA from commanded 'on source' position of 145220.06,-141518.8
14:13:48 - 14:14:45  data recorded off-source
   Tsys ~ 60 K
   IF# at ten = 12 dB
   BBC voltages 0.1 - 0.35 V
14:17 on source (i.e. nominal position). Data signal seen at ~2dB higher than off-source
   BBC voltages 0.12 - 0.46 V
14:17:43 - 14:18:46  recorded data
   Tsys 75 - 80 K
Next searched for peak signal. Found at source=off,145159.04,-141635.5,2000.0 at 14:29 UT
Nominal source pos at this time was source=lunar,145252.70,-141702.4,2000.0

Offset applied was RA - 00:00:53.66, Dec + 00:00:27

14:48:07 searched for peak signal. Found at source=on,145230.02,-141821.5,2000.0
Recorded on source data from 14:47:09 to 14:47:39

Expected position at 14:48 UT was source=lunar,145326.12,-141842.2,2000.0

Offset applied was RA - 00:00:55.1, Dec + 00:00:20.7

14 dB of attenuation in IF3 is in range for BBCs, gives 60 K off source and 190K on source except in channel 8 where it's 383 K.
/home/www/auscope/opswiki/data/pages/observing/changetest2014jun10.txt · Last modified: 2014/06/11 03:23 by Jim Lovell