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This is an old revision of the document!

Chair/Presenting: Arwin/Bryn

Attendees: Lucas, Jonny, Tiege, Bryn, Jim, Arwin, Ellen,Ross, Nick, Lucia, Jamie, Liz

Not Attending:


  • aug024 Yg startup message had no temp/humidity – don't forget it needs to be entered manually!
  • Use schedule=<exp>,#<line_num> when recovering from a long halt rather than cont
  • Upcoming LBA (?) experiments v486i, v252bb, v493c
  • Problems with mk5ke during the t2111 experiment. Problem persisted through reboot and power cycles, also present when using jive5ab. recover did not correct the problem.
/home/www/auscope/opswiki/data/attic/operations/agenda2016_06_23.1466641460.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/06/23 00:24 by Arwin Kahlon