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This wiki is not maintained! Do not use this when setting up AuScope experiments!

This is an old revision of the document!

Chair/Presenting: Arwin/Nick

In Attendance:





  • Handover notes: PLEASE UPDATE THESE AS SOON AS THINGS GO WRONG. If you leave it till the end of your shift, you will probably forget. For example if an experiment starts late for whatever reason DOCUMENT IT. Write up why it started late and which scans are missed and how much data was lost. This information should also be in the Start Message that you send - it isn't one or the other, you need to put it in both. What takes you 5 minutes to document at the time takes the finishing person 30 minutes when they are trying to figure out what went wrong.

Issues past fortnight:

/home/www/auscope/opswiki/data/attic/operations/agenda2016_09_29.1475031401.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/09/28 02:56 by Ellen Manning