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This wiki is not maintained! Do not use this when setting up AuScope experiments!

This is an old revision of the document!

Chair: Ross


Apologies: Arwin, Bryn


General Issues

  • Hobart 26m stuck during aua038:
    • Same alarm has multiple meanings; (1) set off at start of most scans on all antennas because of schedule, or (2) set off at start of each scan because antenna not working. Log monitor gave up sending the repeated error message due to schedule over sms before the fault occurred. Fault only detected during checklist some time after initial problem.
    • Don't mute the log monitor no matter what. Check every alarm.
    • Check antenna is moving on 26m livepage (or system monitor) regularly if 'previous source in this schedule not reached' error message occurs, even if all antennas show the same message.
    • Can an additional alarm be added if the antenna is actually not moving to separate these two causes?
  • Incorrect receiver selected for aov020:
    • Check rxp each checklist and look at the 26m livepage!!
    • This happened about 2-3 years ago too; did Jim make any changes to the log monitor or alarms to fix it?
    • Can an alarm or warning be added to ensure it doesn't get missed at the start of experiments in case the observer gets distracted by another issue?
    • Do we need better checklists?
  • How does the Hobart 26m work these days?
    • Training on how we should be using the 26m now that it has switched over to the 12m backend.
  • Can everyone make this meeting?
  • Who is still observing?
    • Jonny and Jesse have stopped after this meeting for the short term. Ross is no longer observing during the first half of the week before Thursday at 5pm.

Handover Issues

  • Modules with no vsn assigned at Katherine.
/home/www/auscope/opswiki/data/attic/operations/agenda2018_03_08.1520396052.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/03/07 04:14 (external edit)