field system and drive pc keep crashing for HOBART 26.
this might is associated with some glitches in eRemote Control. for the time being, don't start e-remote control. use VNC's for observing and make sure log monitor is also running.
Make sure to set the watchdog time in log monitors during your observation.
Make sure right version of DBBC is running at the start of experiment. also make sure the right version of mark5 is running for particular telescope.
Handover Issues
rd2004: field system and drive pc crashed.
APSG27: Drives crashed, fs unresponsive
OHG125: Drives shut down. fs crashed
/home/www/auscope/opswiki/data/pages/operations/agenda2020_05_21.txt · Last modified: 2020/05/21 03:12 by Jayender Kumar