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This wiki is not maintained! Do not use this when setting up AuScope experiments!

This is an old revision of the document!

  1. Look on to Vortex as observer and make sure that /exports/vortex_internal is mounted
    df -h

    If you don't see it, mount it with a

    mount /exports/vortex_internal
    df -h
  2. Log on to the target machine at Tsukuba and create a directory for the log. E.g. for RD1106:
    ssh oper@
    cd /sdb1
    mkdir rd1106hb
  3. Then from pcfshb, make sure you can transfer a log file without a password being entered. E.g. for RD1106
    cd /usr2/log
    touch rd1106hb.log
    scp rd1106hb.log oper@
/home/www/auscope/opswiki/data/attic/operations/starting_monitoring_ureop.1322539316.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/11/29 04:01 by Jim Lovell