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1. Resent experiments that were reviewed: R1635 CONT1403 CONT1405 CONT1406 CONT1410 R4636 R4637 R1639 R4643 The recent AUSTs experiments are still awaiting correlation and will be reviewed as soon as available. Remasks: * Pointing: pointing offset should be <0.02 degree. If more, investigation should be done asap. Start the pointing procedure if time permits (to check pointing in other directions), log the offset & inform on-call person. If pointing fit repeatedly doesn't converge, dBBC is a likely culprit, especially at Yg. * RFI: if autocorrelation amplitudes look strange, it is likely to be caused by RFI, especially in the two last channels in the S band in Hobart. Report it. * Windstow: a substantial amount of data is lost due to an antenna that get stuck in the windstow position after the wind

/home/www/auscope/opswiki/data/attic/operations/minutes2014_08_06.1407388469.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/08/07 05:14 by liza