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First 24 hour session with APOD scans.


  • With VieVS Satellite scheduling tool, by A. Hellerschmied
    • Observation mode: Modified Aust mode
      • 16MHz BW, 2 bit sampling, 10 X band Ch, 6 S band Ch
      • One S band Ch and 3 X band Ch wer shifted to cover all APOD DOR tones
    • 4 blocks with quasar scans
      • Scheduled automatically by calling std. VIE_SCHED from the satellite scheduling envirenment
      • Min. on-soure time: 30 sec
      • Min Source flux: 0.65 Jy
      • SNR limits: 20dB in X-band, 15dB in S-band
      • Cut-off elevation: 5 deg
      • Min sun-dist.: 4 deg
      • Source catalog: current from GSFC
      • see parameter file: param.txt
      • Sky coverage plots for each quasar block:
    • APOD scans
      • Manual scheduling mode
      • only observe scans with common visibility of min. two stations (in previous test sessions also single stations scans were schedules to test tracking features)
      • Continuous tracking (AzEl mode) and recording
    • Calibrator sources added at start and end of session
      • Manual scheduling mode
      • For bandpass calibration
      • Calibrator sources: 1921-293 (other suitable sources are 3C279 (missing in catalog :!:) and 0537-441)
      • 10 min on-source time
  • Schedule summary: a332_sum.txt
  • See catalog files for full setup (on vievs server, user: sorts)
  • Min. 5 min time gap before after sat. scans to load antenna control files


  • Observers: Jamie, Lucia
  • Comments:


  • Satellite tracking based on direct AzEl input files
    • Azel values directly taken from tracking files provided by J. Sun
  • Station equipment controlled by station dependent VEX files


Available files

Files are available on the VieVS server (, user: sorts) at /home/sorts/apod/2016/

/home/www/auscope/opswiki/data/attic/wg7/apod/a332_hbkeyg.1480059581.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/11/25 07:39 by Andreas Hellerschmied