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AuScope Operations Log

Please enter any significant events related to the AuScope VLBI project, including observations, configuration changes, hardware upgrades etc.

Pointing check before r1474

Checked X-band pointing on three sources (3C454.3, 0537-441, 3C446)

Source Az El xEl offset (deg) EL offset (deg)
3C454.3 -38 23 -0.01 -0.025
0537-441 114 45 0 -0.01
3C446 -60 35 -0.015 -0.035
Average -0.0083 -0.0233
Ave as % of FWHM 5% 15%

No adjustment made to model. Will check again on March 17.

2011/03/15 04:29 · 0 Comments

RF service

Yesterday Jim and I removed the mylar window over the feed. We inspected for moisture and found none. We also performed the following operations:

  • Sealed the S-band loop couplers with Araldite
  • tightened a few loose SMA connectors in the downconverter box.
  • checked the Elevation encoder mounting bracket bolts were tight that fasten it to the turning head.
2011/03/08 04:54

Tsys logger

There is a new program in /usr2/st/tsys which will load in the /tmp/systemp12 file and insert the values at tsysS and tsysX into the experiment log. A call to this function replaces the old system of inserting the values as a comment in the and scripts.

2011/03/02 01:48 · 0 Comments

fmout changes

Inputs to the two agilent counters have been swapped so that clkoff/fmout returns the DOTMON-GPS tick difference. The dbbcdelay command has been removed from the preob and replaced with maserdelay, which measures the maser-GPS tickphase.

2011/02/27 22:55 · 0 Comments

Change to preob Hb

The preob procedure has an onsource command which sometimes comes in a little before the antenna is finished on some occasions. The midob procedure is executed right after the record=on command, and has an onsource in it. For R1471 we're running with no onsource in preob. It it seems relaible, we'll need to update our scripts as preob is usually an experiment-specific procedure.

2011/02/21 22:08 · 0 Comments
/home/www/auscope/opswiki/data/pages/operations/log.txt · Last modified: 2019/01/25 04:45 by Warren Hankey