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AuScope Operations Log

Please enter any significant events related to the AuScope VLBI project, including observations, configuration changes, hardware upgrades etc.

DBBC testing

Jamie and I spent Wednesday conducting tests with the DBBC to determine if the high-end of X-band bandpass was not flat enough or if there was a problem with the DBBC. Conclusion was that the IF is OK and Gino has agreed to ship a spare module to replace the (probably) faulty one.

2010/07/16 06:28 · 0 Comments

Test of MG patch, and DBBC + Linux

Mark Godwin has updated the antenna control software to hopefully remove the “bounce” we are observing when attempting to detect the ONSOURCE state. While the symptoms appear to have changed slightly, the bounce is still present:

2010.180.03:43:44.27#antcn#Commanding to a new source
2010.180.03:43:44.49#antcn#Status done.
2010.180.03:43:45.54#antcn#Drives on.
2010.180.03:43:45.55#antcn#Antenna Stopped.
2010.180.03:43:45.55#antcn#Converted 0.791662:45.358902, -1.042958:-59.757115 → 453589, -597569
2010.180.03:43:59.85#antcn#Source Aquired.
2010.180.03:44:02.10#antcn#Slew in progress.
2010.180.03:44:04.34#antcn#Source Aquired.
2010.180.03:44:06.58#antcn#Slew in progress.
2010.180.03:44:17.88#antcn#Source Aquired.
2010.180.03:44:22.37#antcn#Slew in progress.

Booting the DBBC with the 8GB CF Linux.
Attempts to do this continued this afternoon. After some fiddling the actual error message was obtained: “ata2.00 exception emask…“
Studies will continue.

2010/06/29 06:27 · 0 Comments

IF monitor boxes

28/6/10 - Eric has received the new circuit boards for the update IF boxes. The PICAXE code is complete as well as the C program which provides TCP communications. These have been tested and work reliably. The only significant hazard is in power failures affecting the IF box which can cause lost data in the serial string and cause garbled strings. This can be corrected either by restarting the C program or by UPS-ing the IF box

2010/06/28 00:43 · 0 Comments

DBBC module swap

25/6/10 Exchanged conditioning modules A and B in order to deal with the apparent problems in CoMo B, and to be able to use the working 1024-1536 filter in module A. To do this, you need to change jumper camples inside the conditioning modules so that the asserted address and physical addresses match. The jumpers are located on the main board, underneath an aluminium panel secured by 8 screws. If the addresses do not match, the DBBC will not program correctly.

Unfortunately, it appears that the problem with CoMo “B” (now in the A-slot) is no longer limited to the high filter. Tests show that the amount of power reported by dbbcifa is unaffected by the choice of input, filter or gain level.

2010/06/28 00:34 · 0 Comments

Hobart 12m controller software update complete

1134 UTC 23 June 2010. Update installation complete. Mark Godwin

2010/06/23 11:37 · 0 Comments
/home/www/auscope/opswiki/data/pages/operations/log.txt · Last modified: 2019/01/25 04:45 by Warren Hankey