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Operations Meetings

Data Handling and Disk Logistics


Please use the Transfers Page for information on data transfer.


See the Modules Page

AuScope IVS Module Allocation

If there are any questions or issues with module logistics, please contact with the details.

See Experiment and Module Catalog for module allocations, inventory, transfers, upcoming and historic experiments;

Telescope calibration/monitoring procedures and notes

Stairwell Displays

AuScope Operations Log

Please enter any significant events related to the AuScope VLBI project, including observations, configuration changes, hardware upgrades etc.

Hobart 12m Controller software update

1430 UT Monday 20 September 2010 During the next hour I will load a software update to the Hobart 12m Antenn Controller. Will notify when upload is complete. Mark Godwin

2010/06/23 11:05 · 0 Comments

Azimuth cable wrap

The IF cables in the azimuth twister, below the turning, head have been replaced/rerouted. They still need to be checked for OK laying throughout the entire wrap, from + to - limit. As a result, the emergency stop is pressed. The antenna should not be moved until this check is done.

2010/06/23 05:30 · 0 Comments

New cables

Yesterday we installed some new cables.

2010/06/08 23:27 · 0 Comments

Mark5B firmware upgrade

After upadting the mark5B software (following the instructions found at problems were still seen using scan_check on the 6 TB SATA drives. To correct this, I ipgraded the Mark5B firmware from 12.41 to 15.30, following Dan Smythe's instructions. Several environment variables had to be set and have been included in oper's .bashrc file.

export STREAMSTOR_BIB_PATH=/usr/local/src/streamstor/linux/bib
export SS=/usr/local/streamstor/linux
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin/streamstor/

Once these were set, the flash_upgrade was carried out by

cd /usr/local/src/streamstor/linux/lib/gcc_v3/util/

This will need to be done for each of the mark5B recorders.

2010/05/31 02:40 · 0 Comments

RF cross-over switch test

Confirmed, by talking over the serial port to RF unit, that S and X-band cross-over switches can be controlled and appear to work as expected. Test carried out by observing how amplitude of a tone changed when switches were toggled.

2010/05/12 04:51 · 0 Comments
/home/www/auscope/opswiki/data/pages/operations/log.txt · Last modified: 2019/01/25 04:45 by Warren Hankey