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See the Modules Page

AuScope IVS Module Allocation

If there are any questions or issues with module logistics, please contact with the details.

See Experiment and Module Catalog for module allocations, inventory, transfers, upcoming and historic experiments;

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Stairwell Displays

AuScope Operations Log

Please enter any significant events related to the AuScope VLBI project, including observations, configuration changes, hardware upgrades etc.

Katherine antenna coordinates

Measured with GPS receiver in my iPhone and being used for acceptance tests:
Lat 14 22 31.70 S = -14.37547222
Long 132 09 08.54 E = 132.1523722
Elevation 203m

2010/04/21 23:58 · 0 Comments

Pointing model v2

I've been working on a pointing model with more observational constraints. A new version was entered today and the two test observations following installation look promising. I'll make some more test observations tomorrow, then update the pointing section of the wiki.

2010/03/22 05:45 · 0 Comments

Finished Investigating ON/OFF Position Flag Error

1800 UT 19 March. I've finished testing the 12m antenna for now. I was able to repeat the problem and will have another session at some time during this weekend to load and test an update.

2010/03/19 18:04 · 0 Comments

ON/OFF Position Flag

1630 UT 19 March. Starting tests on the 12m antenna to investigate the reported ON/OFF position flag problem. Will notify when finished with the antenna.

2010/03/19 16:33 · 0 Comments

FS upgraded to 9.10.4

The PCFS installation for the 12m antenna has been upgraded to v9.10.4, the current version. (Including running the specified FSL8 platform).
Some thought should be given to the reply email address for emails sent from here. Currently there is an exim rewrite rule:
* Ffr
Possibly someone has a better idea?

2010/03/19 05:28 · 0 Comments
/home/www/auscope/opswiki/data/pages/operations/log.txt · Last modified: 2019/01/25 04:45 by Warren Hankey