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Please enter any significant events related to the AuScope VLBI project, including observations, configuration changes, hardware upgrades etc.
If there is a change in delay through the DBBC then the Log Monitor will now ring an alarm. If the new delay offset is stable then you don’t need to do anything, but if it drifts, a DBBC reset may be required. So it’s still necessary to dump and plot the delay offset data regularly but you will now get an audible warning every time the delay through the DBBC changes.
The new version of the log monitor is the default on ops2 but it will need to be propagated to the ops PC at Mt Pleasant once the current experiment is over. If for some reason the new version crashes, you can still use the old version on ops2 by typing:
If connection with rxmon fails with this error message:
ERROR s5 -104 rfpcn: time-out, connection closed
… then the log monitor will ring an alarm. This change was made by adding the text “S5 -104 ALARM” to /usr2/control.[hb|ke|yg]/alarm_actions.txt on ops2 etc.
Antenna has a +0.04 deg elevation offset. pdplt reports the following on raw data (207 points):
xEL mean 0.006 xEL rms 0.010 El mean 0.0442 El rms 0.008
After solution applied:
xEL rms 0.011 El rms 0.010
Overnight pointing run. 113 observations. Looks good. On the raw data, pdplt reports:
xEL mean 0.0015 deg xEL rms 0.0095 deg El mean -0.0076 deg El rms 0.012 deg
The Hb pointing model has been updated in the PCFS based on data taken around day 205.
Pointing observations on days 216/217 were made and verify new solution looks good.