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Operations Meetings

Data Handling and Disk Logistics


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Telescope calibration/monitoring procedures and notes

Stairwell Displays

AuScope Operations Log

Please enter any significant events related to the AuScope VLBI project, including observations, configuration changes, hardware upgrades etc.

Implementation of continuous cal at Ke

In station.prc, take out calls to caltsys_man, systemp12

In setupsx, set


. In caltsys, remove caltsys_man and replace with tpicd=tsys. Remove ifagc and bbd_gain=all,agc calls

In point.prc, in initp, cont_cal=on

/usr2/control/skedf.ctl added

tpicd NO 300

and changed to cont_cal ON. Tsys will be logged every 30 sec by default.

Edited both files in /usr2/control/rxg_files and changed creation date, in 7th line+, commented out previous tcal value and inserted measured values from Jamie. Measured Tcal values (as of April 15 2014):

Channel Freq	Tcal(K)		sigma_TCAL (K)
X1U	8217	8.9		0.2
X1L	8209	8.8		0.3
X2U	8257	7.5		0.3
X3U	8357	7.7		0.3
X4U	8517	8.5		0.2
X5U	8737	7.9		0.4
X6U	8857	7.3		0.4
X7U	8916	7.7		0.4
X8U	8937	7.3		0.5
X8L	8929	7.3		0.5
S1U	2230	15.5		0.3
S2U	2250	11.0		0.3
S3U	2270	11.7		0.3
S4U	2300	12.1		0.2
S5U	2350	11.7		0.2
S6U	2370	12.1		0.2

I've also added some notes on Continuous calibration

2014/04/23 06:30 · 0 Comments

FS 9.11.4 -> 9.11.5 at Hb, Ke, Yg

The PC Filed system software has been upgraded from 9.11.4 to 9.11.5 at Hb, Ke and Yg

2014/04/23 04:41 · 0 Comments
, ,

Field System Station procedure file updates

The checkmk5 and midob procedure files at Hb, Ke, Yg and Ho have been updated according to this request from Ed Himwich on Feb 13 in station.prc and ops-serv2:/vlbobs/ivs/proc/check*.prc. Also the midob procedure on the 12m antennas now calls iread and bread to give full read back of BBC and IF settings.

2014/04/23 02:42 · 0 Comments

mk5streamhb upgraded to DIMino v3.0.2

mkstreamhb was upgraded to DIMino v3.0.2 and has had the firware upgrade. Thus was done after all the current stock of pre-upgrade, short-DirList modules had been transferred to RAID.

2014/04/03 00:31 · 0 Comments

DImino upgraded to v3.0.2

A revision to DIMino (3.0.2) which supports better handling of 1024-scan DirLists has been released by Haystack and has been installed on mk5hb, mk5ke and mk5yg. It has not been tested on its ability to read back short DirList modules yet, but seems to be working normally.

2014/03/31 02:00 · 0 Comments
/home/www/auscope/opswiki/data/pages/operations/log.txt · Last modified: 2019/01/25 04:45 by Warren Hankey