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Operations Meetings

Data Handling and Disk Logistics


Please use the Transfers Page for information on data transfer.


See the Modules Page

AuScope IVS Module Allocation

If there are any questions or issues with module logistics, please contact with the details.

See Experiment and Module Catalog for module allocations, inventory, transfers, upcoming and historic experiments;

Telescope calibration/monitoring procedures and notes

Stairwell Displays

AuScope Operations Log

Please enter any significant events related to the AuScope VLBI project, including observations, configuration changes, hardware upgrades etc.

Yg DBBC repairs

The Yg DBBC has had its repaired boards installed. A IF cable swap was made on May 29. For the week prior to this, no useful upper X-band or lower S-band data would have been received.

Clock jumps look to be due to earthing issues in the VSI connection. Resolving this is a work in progress

2013/05/30 05:05 · 0 Comments

setcl calls (all sites)

Removed call to “run setcl offset &” from preob at all three sites following advice from Rich Strand

2013/04/04 03:19 · 0 Comments
, ,

New S-band filters at Yg

Randall has installed the new S-band notch filters at Yg to replace the (loaned) diplexer. Tests today measuring Tsys with the antenna pointed directly at the USN antenna while transmitting and not, and while pointing away from the antenna suggest that the new filters are doing a good job. A spike off the lower-band edge is seen but it only reaches a maximum of the unfiltered band. Occasional in-band RFI is seen but this is present even when USN is not transmitting and so must be from another source. No band compression or changes in band shape are seen when the transmitter is on.

Bandpasses with transmitter on and pointing at USN antenna:

Bandpasses with transmitter on and pointing away from USN antenna:

2013/04/03 02:10 · 0 Comments

New pointing model (v4.0) at Hb

The Hobart12 pointing model has been updated. There was a slight elevation offset, -0.03 deg, at elevations above ~30 deg that has been removed. Model updated in the field system and HMI. More detailed notes are here: Antenna Pointing Solutions

2013/02/20 23:17 · 0 Comments

New Yg DBBC power levels

Following testing on Yg DBBC, new phase and target power levels:


103 86 80 105

Target powers (S-band lower (CoMo C) changed only)

26000 26000 35000 31000

Default config files updated accordingly

2013/01/31 01:01 · 0 Comments
/home/www/auscope/opswiki/data/pages/operations/log.txt · Last modified: 2019/01/25 04:45 by Warren Hankey