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AuScope Operations Log

Please enter any significant events related to the AuScope VLBI project, including observations, configuration changes, hardware upgrades etc.

Yg encoder offsets and Lower El limit

P7 model parameter (El encoder offset) was taken out and put into the controller parameter 1.20.21. Tape measure test before and after confirms that the sign was correct (difference of 1mm before and after).

Also moved soft El limit to 5.0 degrees and tested hard limits weren't tripped in velocity mode for either high or low limits.

More detailed notes on what was done in the Antenna Pointing Solutions page. New pointing model as before but P7 is now zero. A complete model should be determined some time soon.

2012/05/03 04:15 · 0 Comments

X-band signal path at Yg

Brett and Randall have re-wired the X-band cables in the feed tube, made sure the colours correct and checked the LNAs are correctly labeled for polarisation.

Moved the X-band cross-over switch to Direct (note RFBox interface shows it to be crossed, but it's not!)

2012/05/02 03:09 · 0 Comments

Hb Cal & Efficiency estimate

For Hb12, the CAL for 2011 is estimated 11.3 K for X-band and 4.9 K for S-band. The efficiency is estimated as 60% (equiv to 40.8 Jy/K) at S-band. A X-band, it varies with elevation.

Aperture Efficiency = -2.77e-5*El^2 +3.03e-3*El + 0.555

Jy/K = 1.78e-3*El^2 -0.195*El + 43.5

2012/02/16 05:45 · 0 Comments

Hb elevation jackscrew to dish lug bush lubrication

The cover plates were removed from the pin at the high end of the jack screw. A grease nipple was installed in each cover plate and a gasket placed between the cover plate and lug. The bolts were replaced with 3/8 UNC X 1 inch bolts made of stainless steel. The screw holes needed cleaning with a tap and RP7. Grease was pumped in to the grease nipple to fill the cavity near the ends of the pin. This was recommended by Kevin and Bob, as the “Oilite” bush is suspected to lose some of its lubricating properties. Feb 1st 2012. Brett.

2012/02/01 05:00 · 0 Comments

Changes to prc files

Added a !+1s delay in preob before mk5=dot? as recommended by Dan Smythe. Done on /usr2/proc/hb12m.prc, also corresponding files on pcfske, pcfsyg.

Dan said:

The 'dot?' query in 'preob' is off by more than 0.5 second,
probably because of delays caused by network traffic.
Suggest deleting the 'dot?' query from 'preob',
or at least putting a '!+1s' delay in 'preob' before the 'mk5=dot?' query.
2012/01/12 02:21 · 0 Comments
/home/www/auscope/opswiki/data/pages/operations/log.txt · Last modified: 2019/01/25 04:45 by Warren Hankey