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AuScope Operations Log

Please enter any significant events related to the AuScope VLBI project, including observations, configuration changes, hardware upgrades etc.

Yg X-band plate swap

The X-band receiver plate has been swapped with the spare at Yg. There are currently no High-end radar filters installed.

2011/12/07 02:48 · 0 Comments

DBBC configuration with new IFA/IFB firmware swap

  • Placed new firmware file, called dbbc2_IFA_IFB_swap.bit in C:\DBBC_CONF\FilesDBBC
  • In C:\DBBC_CONF, edit conf.cmd and changed dbbc2.bit references to dbbc2_IFA_IFB_swap.bit
  • In C:\DBBC_CONF, edit “geo” config files and changed dbbc2.bit references to dbbc2_IFA_IFB_swap.bit
  • In “geo” config files, swapped first 4 freqs with second four
  • re-started DBBC server, configured
  • dbbcifa=1,agc,4
  • dbbcifb=4,agc,1
  • dbbcifc=2,agc,2
  • dbbcifd=2,agc,2
  • dbbcifa reports 48066 0 atten
  • dbbcifb reports 54899 8 atten
  • dbbcifc reports low power (unrelated S-band problem, being investigated now)
  • dbbcifd reports low power (unrelated S-band problem, being investigated now)
  • reg=1,17,4
  • reg=5,17,4
  • reg=1,19,4
  • reg=5,19,4
  • pps_sync
2011/11/22 03:20 · 0 Comments

DBBCYG new software & calibration

The latest version of the DBBC software (DBBC DDC v2_100, downloaded from Hatlab site October 2011) & firmware has been installed on DBBCYG. After setting it up, the calibration procedure was carried out. The new values for the clock delays are 100 75 80 100. All the dbbc_config_file files have been updated.

2011/10/21 05:10 · 0 Comments

DBBCKE new software & calibration

The latest version of the DBBC software (DBBC DDC v2_100, downloaded from Hatlab site Otober 2011) & firmware has been installed on DBBCKE. After setting it up, the calibration procedure was carried out. The new values for the clock delays are 100 92 87 220. All the dbbc_config_file files have been updated.

2011/10/21 04:38 · 0 Comments

DBBCHB new software & calibration

The latest version of the DBBC software (DBBC DDC v2_100, downloaded from Hatlab site October 2011) & firmware has been installed on DBBCHB. After setting it up, the calibration procedure was carried out. The new values for the clock delays are 110 70 92 110. All the dbbc_config_file files have been updated.

2011/10/21 03:20 · 0 Comments
/home/www/auscope/opswiki/data/pages/operations/log.txt · Last modified: 2019/01/25 04:45 by Warren Hankey