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AuScope Operations Log

Please enter any significant events related to the AuScope VLBI project, including observations, configuration changes, hardware upgrades etc.

Yg DBBC CoMo B config

The target level for CoMo B on the Yg DBBC is now 45000 which is in the linear range.

2011/08/08 02:47 · 0 Comments

Ke Pointing model update

Using the FS and fivpt-like script (~oper/, pointing observations made of 30 DOR, 3C279, 3C120, 3C161, ESO075 - G041, ESO212-EN006, Hydra, Virgo and Pictor A. A new pointing was generated from this, and is included below.

P1 = -0.0668
P2 = -0.2727
P3 = 0.0403
P4 = 0.0123
P5 = -0.0060
P6 = 0.0000
P7 = 0.5194
P8 = -0.0333
P9 = -0.0025

The data is stored in ~oper/Pointing/ as *2011_08_03.txt.

2011/08/03 05:59 · 1 Comment

New model computed from pointing run made on October 12/13

P1 = -0.0363 P2 = -0.4263 P3 = 0.0048 P4 = -0.0026 P5 = -0.0004 P7 = 0.1906 P8 = 0.0250 P9 = -0.0014

Previous Model:

$P[0] = 0; $P[1] = -0.1291; $P[2] = -0.3504; $P[3] = 0.0841; $P[4] = 0.0005; $P[5] = -0.0060; $P[6] = 0.0000; $P[7] = 0.1730; $P[8] = 0.0681; $P[9] = -0.0062;

2011/08/03 02:16

station.prc and mk5ad.ctl at Yg

Same station.prc midob change done and 0.5 sec timeout to Mk5 done (same as Hb).

2011/07/18 05:14 · 0 Comments

station.prc changed at hb

Added a 1 sec wait before the setcl and a mk5=dot? before the setcl too.

2011/07/18 01:56 · 0 Comments
/home/www/auscope/opswiki/data/pages/operations/log.txt · Last modified: 2019/01/25 04:45 by Warren Hankey